It is the policy of the FSM Government that qualified FSM citizen is given first priority for employment consideration; with other Micronesians and U.S. citizens utilized in positions for which no qualified FSM citizens are available.
Quarantine Officer I
PL 26/1
$554.84 B/W + $40.00 Cola = $594.84B/W
This is the minimum rate at step one of the grades. Higher rates may be authorized in cases of hard-to-fill positions where it is appropriate to the qualifications of the appointee.
Department of Resource and Development
FSM National Government
Palikir, Pohnpei 96941
Performs pest surveillance and monitoring production of quarterly report on surveillance; inspect export commodities, treat if necessary and certify such export commodities in accordance with the requirements of the importing country; inspects and treat if necessity imported commodities in order to protect the country from the introduction of new pests and disease; inspects area within the Pohnpei State airport Terminal and other points of entries such as Kolona harbor, Kapingamarangi anchorage, Sapwuafik anchorage, Nukuoro anchorage and FSM Post Office in Kolonia and Palikir for quarantine inspections; submit monthly reports to the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, Program Manager for Agriculture and the Secretary of the Department of Resources and Development; performs other duties as assigned.
Graduated from a two-year College with major in Agriculture or related field plus at least two years of work experience.
Secure Application Forms From and Return to FSM National Government Personnel Office
or send your application, resume, along with other credentials to the below email address: