The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Government is seeking well-qualified individuals for the position of Community Outreach Officer (COO) at the Department of Resource & Development (DR&D), FSM National Government, located in Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941.
Objective/Purpose of the Assignment:
The Community Outreach Officer (COO) will have operational responsibilities for implementing Component 1 of the Small Islands Food and Water Project (SIFWaP) at country, state, island and community levels. She/he will be based at the National Delivery Unit (NDU) at the FSM Department of Resources and Development, with frequent travel to the states and target communities. The COO will report to the National Technical Manager (NTM) and will perform all daily management tasks, including resources management and managing the implementation of Project Component 1 activities. She/he will be responsible for ensuring that SIFWaP’s targeting mechanisms are effectively implemented and monitored with regard to inclusion of vulnerable groups including women, youth and people with disabilities.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Specific Tasks:
- Undertake preparatory activities for inclusive community consultation and planning under Component 1 including:
- Undertake analysis and high-level mapping of current structure of active Community committees in each State.
- Review and revise the draft “Community Mobilization Guideline” for approval from FSM DRD and International Funding for Agriculture Development (IFAD).
- Refine procedures and templates for preparation of Community Development Plans (CDPs), including materials for community discussions/workshops.
- Ensure that all participating states and communities are briefed on the Project,
- Organise training of State Facilitators (SFs) on Component 1 activities as required, including preparation of training material and delivery of training.
- Organise community sessions exploring needs for investments, inc. initial high-level awareness raising on the Matching Grants Programme (MGP).
- Support M&E data collection related to Component 1
- Arrange the translation of relevant materials under Component 1 and dissemination to stakeholders.Work with i.a. the Department of Health and Social Affairs and the nutrition specialist to conduct an effective and continuous nutrition awareness campaign targeting vulnerable and disadvantaged communities and households.
General Responsibilities:
- Prepare a detailed plan of activities (“Activity Plan”) and proposed budget under Component 1 for submission to the NDU team for consideration for development of the AWPBs, by the deadline specified by the NTM.
- Oversee implementation of all Component 1 activities.
- Evaluate the feasibility of identification of suitably qualified NGO(s)/organizations/individuals as service providers to support the community engagement process in target communities;
- Undertake trainings of State Facilitators and Field Supporters on effective community engagement and mobilisation with focus on water, nutrition and food security;
- Coordinate the work for establishing/reviving of a Community Development Committees (if needed).
- Undertake participatory and inclusive community consultations and analyse problems and opportunities related to food, nutrition and water security and related livelihood options in the target communities.
- Undertake community awareness about the opportunities for investments and encourage the modernised production and marketing of nutritious foods, better management of water resources, and improved livelihood opportunities, especially for women, youth and PWD.
- Work closely with CDC to formulate Community Development Plans (CDPs) for food, nutrition and water security.
- Ensure that the special needs of women, youth and PWDs are considered in the CDPs, working closely with the gender specialist.
- Undertake training and prepare training materials for State/Island Facilitators, CSs, and Community Development Committees (CDCs) with focus on food, nutrition and water security.
- Training of State/Island Facilitators, FSs and Community Committees in consultative/participatory processes to identify and design investment projects and strengthening local capabilities in community planning and implementing collective actions.
- Coordinate with service providers the capacity building activities under component 1 including trainings on nutrition, gender, water management, home gardens, composting, waste re-cycling, food processing, etc.
- Identify model households to undertake demonstrations for group members in activities like home gardening, essential oils, crop production, water supply, hydroponics, livestock, food processing, agritourism, etc.
- Identify vulnerable groups and households to benefit from the project investments with particular focus on the women, youth and PWDs based on the targeting guideline. Develop a vulnerability assessment based on selection criteria of the SIFWaP.
- Liaise with and report to the NTM and FAP in the required format and timetable, e.g. for the regular progress reports, activity reports, quarterly Interim Financial Reports (IFRs), preparation of financial statements etc.
- Ensure that relevant, high quality and gender disaggregated information is provided to all implementing partners, including at the state level.
- Cooperate fully with the rest of the NDU in the conduct of external and internal audits of project operations.
- Under the guidance of the NTM, identify key policy issues regarding gender and social inclusion, and assist in bringing these forwards to the appropriate forum.
- Refine Component 1 procedures to ensure that they reflect community needs and are consistent with other components of the Project.
- Provide leadership for Component 1 staff/consultants and supervise especially with regard to community engagement, gender and social inclusion.
- Ensure quality control and implementation of Component 1 operational procedures, consistent with the MOU between the NDU and NGO partners and/or other service providers.
- Monitor the use of funds, ensuring that expenditures are in line with approved AWPBs, with regards to Component 1.
- Draft, submit for review by the CPCU and approval by the NTM, and monitor all service agreements with Service Providers (inc. consultants, NGOs etc.) in relation to Component 1.
- Establish effective coordination mechanisms for all activities implemented under Component 1.
- In close collaboration with NTM and the CPCU, support baseline, mid-line and end-line data collection related to component 1.
- Prepare content for project reports and financial reports related to the Component 1 activities in alignment with defined deadlines.
- Ensure that procurements under Component 1 are undertaken in line with approved procurement guidelines.
- Promote transparency and accountability in implementation procedures.
- Cooperate with and provide necessary information to IFAD supervision missions, and implementation support/evaluation missions as requested.
- Be available for travel to remote field/island locations for monitoring and follow-up of project activities under Component 1, as requested by the NTM.
- Provide timely updates to the NTM and/or FAP of any identified potential or actual issues and bottlenecks to implementation and propose mitigating/remedy actions.
Qualification Requirements:
The Community Outreach Officer is preferable to have a university degree in Agriculture, Water resources management, Political sciences, Sociology sciences, Nutrition, Economic sciences, or other related field with a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience; or in the absence of a university degree, relevant experience of minimum 7 years on rural development and engaging with communities and working with international agencies or NGOs.
The annual salary is $27,600 per annum, depending upon the qualifications of the applicant.
To Apply:
Submit application, resume via mail or email to the following addresses:
Department of Resources & Development Office of Personnel
P.O. Box PS-12 P.O. Box PS-35
Palikir, Pohnpei FM 96941 Palikir, Pohnpei FM 96941
Email: fsmrd@fsm.fm Email: personnel@personnel.gov.fm
The office of Personnel will be accepting application and resume from December 09, 2024 until filled.